Interzero -EPR compliancefor packaging and WEEE in Slovenia

Interzero – An impressive variety of services
Our comprehensive solutions and customized advice have set us apart for 30 years. You too can find the right solution for your company.
As the European market leader for EPR compliance, with local expertise in the licensing, collection and recycling of waste, you can rely on us. Extended producer responsibility poses a major challenge for many companies, which is why you need a reliable partner – Interzero.
Licensing for 2 material flows
Interzero offers licensing of packaging and electrical and electronic equipment.
If you are a company without a registered office in Slovenia, you can entrust us with your responsibilities. We’ll act as your authorised representative.
Circular consulting
Legal regulations can complicate the fulfillment of your obligations; we provide clarity. You can rely on our experts.
Who needs it?
If you are selling products and electronic devices to end consumers in Slovenia via webshops or online platforms, you also have a legal obligation to report the quantities of packaging and electric and electronic equiptment placed on this market through your Authorized Representative.
Packaging licensing:
All companies that sell or deliver packaged goods to end consumers in Slovenia. These include: Manufacturers, retailers, importers or online retailer, who have a company based outside Slovenia.
Interzero can support foreign mail order companies, distance sellers and manufacturers without a registered office in Slovenia, that require an authorized representative based in Slovenia for packaging, waste electrical equipment and batteries in order to be compliant with the legislation.
Failure to comply with mandatory participation in an EPR system like Interzero, leads to high fines or written warnings.
Interzero – Digital, efficient and legally compliant
The authorisation process generally comprises the following steps:
Register without obligations
Register without any obligations by entering your company information. After that you can proceed with entering your quantities and calculating expected costs.
Calculate your costs
Calculate the expected costs by entering the quantity of your material flow(s).
Order a contract
Confirm your order: Simply follow the instructions for placing your order and confirm your acceptance of the contract. Done!
Sign the contract
After signing the contract and sending it back to us, we will add you to our system. Now you can be calm about meeting your obligations in Slovenia.
What is included in our authorisation & licensing services?
- Registration with the Republic of Slovenia's pertinent governmental authorities, including administrative expenses and fees
- Authorization and representation of the company within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Slovenia
- Assurance of the timely and proper fulfillment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations
- Submission of requisite reports to the relevant state authorities
- Support with legal queries
Register now and calculate your 2025 offer for packaging and WEEE placed on the Slovenian market!
Interzero – Where licensing only has advantages
Think green, act green:
This is why Interzero is your best choice for sustainable licensing:
Your advantages | Interzero | Other providers |
For ALL licensing segments ONE point of contact |
CO2 certificate from the Fraunhofer UMSICHT Institute | ||
More bookable zero waste services available |
Our locations
We cover your EPR obligations across Europe
Interzero Austria
Licensing for:
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
Interzero Croatia
Licensing for:
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
Interzero Poland
Licensing and disposal for:
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
- Tires
- Vehicles
- Lubricant oils
- close
Interzero Slovenia
Licensing for:
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
- Packaging + SUP products
Interzero Germany
Licensing for:
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
Interzero España
Avenida Aragón,30, Planta 8
46004 Valencia
- Packaging + SUP products
- Batteries
Questions about the authorised representative
The authorized representative takes responsibility for all obligations resulting from the legal framework conditions of the foreign supplier.
All obligations can be found in the Slovenian Packaging Ordinance and Waste Electrical Equipment Ordinance.
As your company is based outside of Slovenia, you are required by law to appoint an authorized representative based in Slovenia who will conclude a license agreement for you to discharge your packaging or waste electrical and electronic equipment (areas of producer responsibility). As the Interzero Group, we are at your side both as an authorized representative and as a collection and recycling system for licensing – simple and legally compliant.
Foreign mail order companies without a registered office in Slovenia that deliver packaging, goods or packaged goods, or electrical and electronic devices to private end consumers in Slovenia within the framework of distance selling are obliged to appoint an authorized representative in Slovenia for products placed on the market.
Send us your inquiry and we will make sure to find the best option for you.
If you don’t sell directly to private end consumers in Slovenia, you don’t have to license the packaging. In this case, the obligation falls on your Slovenian corporate customers, who are the first to place products on this market. Please inform your (corporate) customers in Slovenia that the packaging delivered to them is not licensed. Your customers must then decide for themselves how to proceed.
Yes, you do. Licensing of packaging and WEEE for a company without a registered office in Slovenia is only possible by prior appointing an authorized representative in Slovenia, this is independent of the actual quantity you put on the market. You have the option of choosing the flat rate if the yearly quantity is less than 1,000 kg in the packaging segment.
Register now whitout any obligations and check our offer!
The authorized representative is a legal representative for your packaging, WEEE and batteries, who must assume your obligations. (You’ll find detailed information on the obligations in the next question.) Keeping in mind your obligations, we recommend that you choose your authorized representative carefully. Interzero is a partner you can trust.
In principle, any legal entity can be appointed as an authorized representative, as long as the following criteria are met:
- Registered office in Slovenia (domestic VAT number)
Register now without any obligations and check our offer.
No, no matter how high the quantity you place on the market is, in Slovenia the licensing of packaging, waste electrical and electronic equipment is mandatory. If you are not based in Slovenia, you must also appoint an authorized representative.
If you have already appointed one and are still looking for a collection and recycling system, you can also conclude a license agreement with us.
You have the option of choosing the all-inclusive solutions, which are also of interest to small-scale distributors.
All obligations can be found in the respective ordinances.
Packaging: Uredba o embalaži in odpadni embalaži (PISRS)
Waste electrical and electronic equipment: Uredba o odpadni električni in elektronski opremi (PISRS)
Yes. The regulations for the authorized representative stipulate that the authorized representative must be a legal person domiciled in Slovenia (e.g. Packaging Regulation, Sections 14 – 17).
Subsidiary branches that are established within Slovenia, must be registered in the commercial register. However, they do not have their own legal personality. Instead, the legal entity remains the legal person behind the main office.
Yes, it’s mandatory for foreign companies without a registered office in Slovenia to appoint an authorized representative to continue licensing in Slovenia in accordance with the law.
Register now without any obligations and check our offer.
If you added a correct email address to the system, you can go to the login page Interzero portal: Clients and click on ‘Forgot password?’. You’ll be able to see the first 4 characters of the email address via which you’ll receive a new password. In case this email address isn’t correct, please contact us at:
If you distribute packaging in Slovenia, you’ll need an authorized representative with a registered office in Slovenia.
You’ve needed an authorized representative for the licensing segments of WEEE since 2006. Are you legally compliant?
Please refer to your authorised representative with any questions about the validity of the contract.
Please upload your documents to your customer account, or send them to us via email as PDF files. Providing us with hard copies of contractual documentation will lead to a longer processing time.
As a foreign company, the authorized representative will act as an intermediary between you and Slovenian EPR system, like Interzero. After concluding your Authorized Representative Contract, a licensing agreement for your required licensing area is automatically concluded with Interzero. This involves no further action on your end.
Compared to some other systems for EPR you will benefit from one single provider (Interzero) that will take on your full EPR obligations for packaging and WEEE on the Slovenian market.
The exact provisions on contract withdrawal and cancellation are set out in our Terms and Conditions. By law, there is no right of withdrawal in the B2B sector.
Please note: If you wish to cancel your order, we will charge you the processing fees incurred. You will be refunded the amount less the processing fees. After confirmation, it can take 5-10 business days for the refund to be processed.
The authorization fee can be paid in advance. Current payment methods are: Credit card – Stripe or Invoice,
In addition, we offer purchase on account. You’ll find the terms of payment on the invoice sent to you.
Payment of the Licensing Agreement is currently only possible via invoice. You’ll receive the invoice after signing the contract.
Questions about the power of attorney and notarization
Any officially registered notary can carry out the notarisation. You also have the option to perform the notarisation electronically via Notarity.
In Germany also municipalities are allowed to issue the power of attorney.
Only the signature on the power of attorney has to be notarised, not the copy.
The notarisation of the signature on the power of attorney must be issued in the official languages German or English. Notarisations that aren’t issued in German or English must be translated by a sworn translator or by the notary involved.
Please upload your documents to your customer account, or send them to us via email as PDF files. Providing us with hard copies of contractual documentation will lead to a longer processing time.
No, we don’t need the original copy of the power of attorney. Kindly send us a digital version of your documentation, so that we don’t have to scan the documents for further processing.
Notarisations that aren’t issued in German or English must be translated by a sworn translator or by the notary involved.
Yes, the notarisation of the appointment of the authorized representative is required by Austrian law.
You can find more information about this in the Austrian Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz (Waste Management Act). Please ask your notary to complete this step, or make use of the digital service offered by Notarity.
At Notarity, you have access to more than 200 notaries, and most of them are available within 24 hours. More information on Notarity is available at Please contact Notarity by email at with any questions you may have, or phone: +43 (0)1 412 01 48.
Definitions: Who needs an authorized representative?
In April 2021, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation was adopted, which stipulates that all companies placing packaged goods on the Slovenian market that do not have a previous Slovenian supplier will become obliged to report and pay a packaging fee regardless of the quantity from 2021.
From 2006 all companies that produce, distribute or place EEE on the market of Slovenia are obliged to meet their EPR (Extended Producers Responsibility) obligations in Slovenia.
A foreign mail order company (packaging) is a foreign undertaking within the meaning of the law governing companies which, irrespective of the sales technique used, including distance communication in accordance with the rules governing consumer protection, sells packaged goods by means of distance communication directly to end-users.
Questions about your Licensing Agreement and Reporting of Quantities
As soon as you’re an active customer of Interzero, you can find your Interzero License Partner number in our online portal under the respective year and segment. In case you can’t find this information, please contact us via
Once you’ve concluded your contract with Interzero, paid the fee, and you’ve been registered as a participant, you can download the confirmation in the service section of our reporting portal.
Payment of the Licensing Agreement is currently only possible via invoice. You’ll receive the invoice after signing the contract.
The authorisation fee can be paid in advance, and for this you can use your credit card or the Sofort payment service. In addition, we offer purchase on account. You’ll find the terms of payment on the invoice sent to you.
Payment of the Licensing Agreement is currently only possible via invoice. You’ll receive the invoice after signing the contract.
The reporting period is defined on the basis of the respective provisions and specifies the frequency of your reporting obligations. It also forms the basis for the authorized representative fee for foreign customers.
The calculation is based on the quantities placed on the market in tons multiplied by €. Please go to ’More information – Downloads’ for an up-to-date list of rates
Annual report: <€1,500
Quarterly report: Between €1,500 and €20,000
Monthly report: >€20,000
When the contract is created, your licence fee is automatically calculated on the basis of the entered quantities.
The quantity reports are due on the 15th of the month following the reporting period (e.g. the report for January is due on 15 February, the report for the first quarter is due on 15 April and the annual report is due on 15 January in the following year).
Please use our online portal We’ll provide you with login credentials for our portal while the contract is being processed.
You may correct the declared quantities for monthly and quarterly reports on an ongoing basis as part of the Annual Statement until 3 March of the following year.
However, annual reports need to be submitted by 15 January of the following year, after which it’s not possible to correct the declared quantities.
The invoice will be sent to the email address you provided. In case you have a different billing address, please let us know during the order process.
People paying a flat rate and annual reporters must pay the fee within 14 days of receipt of the invoice in order to be registered as a system participant.
Monthly and quarterly reporters will receive their invoices within two weeks of submitting their last reports.